BUYERs! Be Wary of your agent


Nothing hurts me more when scrolling through Sold Properties and seeing that ONE sale price that stands out like a sore thumb. Seeing all 1 bedroom condos in a building sell in the $600-650k range and then BOOM, a sale of $730,000. Does this mean the buyer had a bad agent?  Not necessarily.  But someone was definitely not well informed!

Here are a couple signs of a bad agent:

1.  Selling based on FEAR; "The market only goes up!" or " Buy NOW or you'll MISS your chance". This is not true. And if your real estate agent is saying stuff like 

2.  You found a property you love. Do you know the ACTUAL size of the home? Do you know the PAST SALE prices of similar homes or condos? Don't assume the MLS listing is correct. You're buying square feet in a home or condo, so shouldn't you know exactly how much there is? If your agent can't verify this or refuses Same with providing comparables. 

3.  They are REALLY excited when they first meet you. Then they take a day or so to reply to a message. A question about a home does not get answered. The excitement starts to wan on their part unless you start talking 'offer'. If you sense an agent is just out for a sale and not really committed to helping you in every

4. They PUMP up every property you inquire about without identifying anything negative or things to be mindful of. Yes, there are some homes and condos that are literally perfect.....but even in those, there are likely some negative characteristics that need to be brought up. 

There are literally a hundred more scenarios that can mentioned. But let's go over HOW TO FIND A GOOD REAL ESTATE AGENT. These are some signs you're in good hands with your real estate purchase. 

1.  The realtor does research on the property you are interested in. House : area info and area sales. Condo: condo sales and building history.

2.  Your realtor TELLS IT LIKE IT IS. If a property is awful....they will say just that. If the property is grossly overpriced, they will tell you!

3. Your realtor prices the property accurately. Not based on future projections. They don't have a crystal ball. You are buying based on the current market. An inflated future value is useless information. 

4. Find and agent that doesn’t claim to “know” the future of the market but can assess the current market and give you advice or recommendations based on previous and current data.

9.  Find an agent that doesn't suggest any 'Shady' tactics when buying a home or condo. We've all heard the stories. Don't implicate yourself in anything. 

10.  Ultimately, you have a good gut feeling that the realtor is working in your best interests. You need someone that will explain the process to you, go over options, and ultimately have your back. If they feel like the 'best friend looking over your shoulder''ve found a good one! 

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